The 25-year-old said the worst thing that happened to her was that she was kept alone and told her colleagues had been released.
Recalling the moment she was separated from her colleagues, she said: "With a blindfold on, I was led away from the rest of the guys. All I could hear from behind me was one of them shout, 'they're going to execute us'."
The sailor was then "thrown into a tiny cell" and ordered to strip off. She said: "They took everything apart from my knickers." Fra BBC's nettsider
Most detainees have suffered harsh treatment throughout their detention, confined to mesh cages or maximum security cells. Moreover, a new facility which opened in December 2006, known as Camp 6, has created even harsher and apparently more permanent conditions of extreme isolation and sensory deprivation.
Detainees are confined for 22 hours a day to individual, enclosed, steel cells where they are almost completely cut off from human contact. The cells have no windows to the outside or access to natural light or fresh air. No activities are provided, and detainees are subjected to 24 hour lighting and constant observation by guards through the narrow windows in the cell doors. They exercise alone in a high-walled yard where little sunlight filters through; detainees are often only offered exercise at night and may not see daylight for days at a time. Fra Amnesty's nettsider
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